Craig Harcombe - @theNewyPhysio
Newcastle Physiotherapist
Craig Harcombe - @theNewyPhysio
Newcastle Physiotherapist
Craig Harcombe - @theNewyPhysio
Newcastle Physiotherapist

Recover from Injury

Can you be better than you were before your injury? Let's focus on what what you can do not what you can't!

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Freedom from Pain

Short term or long term pain. The strategies are different and something can be done. Help is available!

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Special Interests

Runners, motorcyclists, rowers and emergency services... we'll have heaps to talk about while you improve.

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As your physiotherapist I will work collaboratively with you and your other health professionals so you can be the best you can be. You are unique and you will be treated with up to date, evidence based physiotherapy techniques that are suited to your abilities, your injuries and most importantly your goals.

Let’s focus on what you can do and work together to add to that list!

I can help you recover from injury, prevent injury, have freedom from pain and a whole range of things that physiotherapists are just fantastic at.  Set your sights on your next adventure no matter how big or small and let me help you get it done!

Craig Harcombe – Physiotherapist
BOHS, BPhys(Hons), GCertIT, APAM